翻訳元 – This OLED Nintendo Switch has been on for 1 year and 50 days straight.
日本語タイトル:【神回】一年以上NINTENDO SWITCHを付けっぱなしにした結果!!!
Nintendo Switchを1年以上付けっぱなしにして実験した結果を報告する。OLED画面が焼き付く現象について、実際に1年以上放置した結果、若干の焼き付きが見られるものの、それほど深刻な問題ではないということが示されました。また、バッテリーや温度についても検証が行われ、長期間の使用においても問題はないという結論が示されています。
動画の概要(2023/04/08 時点)
- 公開日:2022/12/02
- 再生数:144.4万回
- 高評価:4万+
- コメント数:2050件
I remember buying an OLED with Bob and he walks out and tells me his plan to do this with his OLED and laughing about it. I thought he’d stop after one video but sure enough he is still going strong! I always will admire my friends dedication to his craft
主にドックで使う人のために、任天堂には「バッテリーの節約」モードを実装してほしいね。バッテリーに常に負荷がかからないように、だいたい最大の60 ~ 80% までしか充電されないようにするんだ。
I would like Nintendo to implement a battery “conservation” mode for those who predominantly use the dock. It could perhaps charge to a max of 60-80% just so the battery isn’t being stressed constantly.
任天堂がどんな超自然的な存在と契約してこれを実現したのかは知りませんが、同社のハードウェアはどれも驚くほど耐久性に優れています。先日、『ポケモン ウルトラサン』が発売されて1年以上、まったく手つかずだった3DSを手に取ったところ、バッテリーランプが青から赤に変わるまで2時間半も動いたんです!
I don’t know what supernatural entity Nintendo made a deal with to achieve this, but all their hardware is remarkably enduring. I picked up my 3DS the other day which had been completely untouched for over Pokemon Ultra Sun turned a year old, and it ran for 2.5 hours before the battery light changed from blue to red!
A year of stress testing and it barely looks worse than the keyboard burn in on my 3+ years old phone. Yeah I think its gonna be fine.
It makes sense that the white is where burn-in occurred. This is because basically to obtain white you are shooting light from all of the colors at that pixel, which produces the most heat, and is what usually causes burn-in.
Man, this is a really cool experiment.
I agree with you on resilience. My original switch was in my passenger seat when I got in a car accident on my way home and the only thing that happened to it was the outer shell was bent a little.
Still worked great so I kept it for about a year and then sold it.
I refuse to believe it’s been a year. Shit, time flies
What I’m learning from this is that it doesn’t matter how long you use your switch… even with the amount of burn in you have in the test it’s still not a big deal lmao
10,000 hours on the same exact image? I see this as an absolute win.
I think these videos are good for people planning on playing their switch well beyond it’s life cycle. We don’t know if the next gen will be backwards compatibility but if it isn’t I have a pretty big back log to get through so I wouldn’t buy the next gen right away if there isn’t backwards capabilities.
You need to do a ten year test. Make it happen. Also interested to know if it stays Joycon drift free.
You’re not really going to have that problem with the OLED screen image burn because the switch will turn off and go to sleep/standby mode if you leave it on the home screen for a certain determined amount of time. You probably can change how long it would take for your switch to turn off after a set amount of predetermined time or go with the factory predetermined amount of time that Nintendo has set for your switch go off after inactivity.
任天堂の製品はビーストだよ。唯一の問題は、ドッキングできないこと(黒い画面でフリーズするだけ)だね。WiiUは数年間使っていなかったのですが、久しぶりにセットアップして電源を入れたら、すべてが完璧に動作しました。3dsとgba spも完璧に動作しています!
Nintendo products are beasts. I still have and use regularly my original switch from when it was first released and the only issue is that it doesn’t dock (it just freezes on a black screen) which was a product issue that I think has been fixed since. My WiiU wasn’t used for a few years but when I finally set it back up and turned it on, everything worked perfectly. My 3ds and gba sp also work perfectly!
Y’know when you mentioned Nintendo putting out some pretty resilient products made me think back to the countless amount of times I remember my Wii remote viciously slamming against the floor and or wall. Always worked, never broke- just had to throw the batteries back in if anything. Thank you for reminding me of my childhood 🤣
なぜ何度もこのトピックを投稿するのかと聞いている人のために…BITE ME!…私は実際、これに興味があるんです。というのも、私が持っているサムスンのノートPCは、note 3以降、すべて画面の焼きつきに問題があり、任天堂にも問題があるのではないかと思っていたからです。そして、任天堂は素晴らしかった!
For anyone asking why another update on this topic…BITE ME!…I’m actually interested in this. It’s good to know that Nintendo used some quality screens because all the Samsung notes I’ve had since the note 3 had some type of burnin screen issues which made me realize could Nintendo have issues too. Great work!
Thank you for ensuring us that we shouldn’t worry about burn in. It really helps.
ゼルダブレスオブザワイルド2 が出たら1つ目のSwitchを買う予定です!それまでにもっと良いバージョンを希望していますが、有機ELは良い買い物になりそうです!
I plan on buying my first Switch when Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 comes out! Hoping for a Pro by then but the OLED seems like it’ll be a good purchase!